A Best Practice Handbook is now available
The Handbook describes in detail the setup and workflow of the reBiND data archiving system.
A reBiND instance is available at the BGBM
A description of the reBIND server.
Metadata Editor tool completed
A compilation of screenshots to show the Metadata capture tool.
25 databases transferred to the reBiND archive
Datasets from several resources are now archived.
reBIND implements the BioCASe Protocol and can connect to biodiversity networks like GBIF
A description of the GBIF connector module.
Screenshots of the reBiND Software
A compilation of screenshots on how the reBiND software looks like and how it works, with detailed descriptions.
Choosing eXist-db as the XML database for the reBiND project
An article describing further details about the native and open source XML database eXist and how it benefits the reBiND project.