Today we released the first screenshots of the reBiND software. These screenshots will demonstrate how the workflow will look like for the scientists using the reBiND software. Click here to view the screenshots!
An article about reBiND was published in the peer reviewed journal "Plant Biosystems", special issue: "New trends in Biodiversity Informatics". more
Güntsch, A., Fichtmüller, D., Kirchhoff, A. & Berendsohn, W.G.: Efficient rescue of threatened biodiversity data using reBiND-workflows. In: Plant Biosystems, 146(4) (2012), S. 752-755, DOI:10.1080/11263504.2012.740086
Fauna Europaea and reBiND agreed to collaborate on rescuing 'concluded' zoological data sets from becoming orphan. more
In a recent survey among Fauna Europaea specialists the existence of private databases or files was mentioned, developed to manage their taxonomic research data, which, however, are in a risk of becoming orphan because of an approaching retirement. Specialists are willing to share these data sets when a suitable solution for hosting could be found.
The Data Quality Initiative from the BGBM (of which the reBiND project is a part of) was presented at the Biodiversty Information Standarts conference (TDWG 2013) in Florence. more
The presentation was part of the symposium "Biodiversity Data Quality – issues, methods and tools" and was given by David Fichtmueller from the reBiND project. Click here to download the slides.
A hands-on workshop to demonstrate the reBIND workflow was given by Agnes Kirchhoff, Lorna Morris and Anton Güntsch.
The workshop was held at the Institute of Botany (IBSAS), Slovak Academie of Sciences, Bratislava. Twelve participants attended from several differenent institutions (including Finnish Museum of Natural History; Africa Museum, Belgium). After a general introduction to data preparation and an overview of the reBiND archiving workflow participants used example ABCD datasets to run through the following steps in the workflow:
Agnes Kirchhoff and Lorna Morris presented the reBiND project at the DCPS Day on June 5, 2014 in the lecture hall of Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum...